Spanish Dictionary
English | Spanish |
Sample sentences: You can choose any of these dresses because all of them are fit for the occasion. |
Usted puede elegir cualquiera de estos vestidos porque todos ellos son aptos para la ocasión. |
Which one of these dresses is fit for the occasion? | ¿Cuál de estos vestidos es adecuado para la ocasión? |

Thanks for the advice but I know this web site. I'm always open to suggestions. Tell me how can I help you with the correct form of words. This is very important owing to the feedback.
I understand that you use the article 'die' when talking about a feminine object, das when the subject is neutral, and der when talking about a masculine object. But how can you remember all these?
We blamed the sandwich which we had eaten a day earlier for lunch in Bolivia for the stomach ache of my wife. She became very weak and she had to stay in the hotel for two entire days.
I understand that you use the article 'die' when talking about a feminine object, das when the subject is neutral, and der when talking about a masculine object. But how can you remember all these?
We blamed the sandwich which we had eaten a day earlier for lunch in Bolivia for the stomach ache of my wife. She became very weak and she had to stay in the hotel for two entire days.