Spanish Dictionary

Translation of one in Spanish

one      uno     

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
She was the last one to realize that her husband was a cad.

Fue la última en darse cuenta de que su marido era un canalla.
This movie was funnier than the one we saw last week. Esta película era más divertida que la que vimos la semana pasada.
There will a motorcade in support of one of the candidates. Habrá una caravana de autos en apoyo de uno de los candidatos.
twenty-one twenty-three veintiuno veintitrés(1)
to wash (one's hands); to brush one's teeth lavarse
first; one; to start primero; uno; comen zar
to gain one's independence independizarse
to sprain one's ankle torcerse un tobillo
to break one's leg romperse una pierna
fix one's papers arreglar los papeles
to earn one's living ganarse la vida
get fed up; eat one's fill hartarse

I'm very interested in learning languages. I'm learning English,German and french as well as Japanese. My native language is Spanish. Yes is very nice living here. What do you think about the Mexican people?
I wish you would help me to improve my Spanish. I am studying law in Germany and I am trying to learn Spanish. I hope you can help me and I could help you to learn German. Have a great day.
These are very nice birds. What kind of birds are these? I have a little cat and she is so cute, I just love him. I hope that you have a nice week. Here the weather is very good, a lot of sun.
Do you know the meaning of? paw    police    proud    relax    sage    settler    smell    stack    sunrise    text   

English Verbs    
Conjugation of one   [ oned, oned ]