Spanish Dictionary

Translation of overload in Spanish

to overload     sobrecargar    
the overload     la sobrecarga    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
If you overload the washing machine, the laundry will not be really clean.

Si se sobrecarga la lavadora la ropa no sale verdaderamente limpia.
the overload sobrecarga

Lili was very nervous and feared that the entrance would be denied because she did not have any blank pages in the passport. The Visa office took our papers and pictures and handed them back five minutes later.
I have studied at the faculty of Engineering. Just tell me about your difficulties and I'll try to help you. I would really like to help you with learning English. Kind regards and speak to you soon.
One hour later, at sun set, we overflew the amazing Misti volcano which is located right above Arequipa. The mountain had a golden glow and its view was breathtaking.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of overload   [ overloaded, overloaded ]