Spanish Dictionary

Translation of persevere in Spanish

to persevere     perseverar    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
If you want to be an actress you have to persevere no matter how many rejections you suffer.

Si quieres ser actriz, tienes que perseverar, sin importar cuántos rechazos sufras.
persevere perseverar

Our day came to an end and Samu brought us back to the hotel. We agreed to take a ride with him one more time and that was on the way to the airport. We took his cellphone number just in case.
We stayed in this place for quite a while as it was the most spectacular place we have visited so far. It was unbelievable how much thought was put into construction of these magnificent sites.
I just wrote an extremely long blog item but it took so long that I got logged out. I'm too lazy to write again or to write anything at all, so that I will postpone my blog entry to next week.
Do you know the meaning of? pigeon    plead    popcorn    precious    prince    prop    puffy    quilt    rash    reconnaissance   

English Verbs    
Conjugation of persevere   [ persevered, persevered ]
Spanish VerbsPresentPast IIIFuture
Conjugation of perseverar
persevero  perseveras  persevera  perseveramos  perseveráis  perseveran  perseveraba  perseverabas  perseveraba  perseverábamos  perseverabais  perseveraban  perseveré  perseveraste  perseveró  perseveramos  perseverasteis  perseveraron  perseveraré  perseverarás  perseverará  perseveraremos  perseveraréis  perseverarán