Spanish Dictionary

Translation of proclaim in Spanish

to proclaim     proclamar    

Translation by Vocabulix


With no hot water, we had to switch rooms once more. Before moving I decided to check the next room (it was already the third) from all points of view: noise, hot water, no smell and maybe some windows.
I saw your pictures on facebook, some great images. Are you from Los Angeles? Why do you wanna learn Spanish? well if you want you can try your Spanish with me, i am from Paraguay, i am 29 years old.
The next two hours we were busy with moving our stuff to our new place and organizing our trip to Machu Picchu for the next day.
Do you know the meaning of? protein    purity    radiation    realization    reduced    relentless    repugnant    return    robber    ruse   

English Verbs    
Conjugation of proclaim   [ proclaimed, proclaimed ]
Spanish VerbsPresentPast IIIFuture
Conjugation of proclamar
proclamo  proclamas  proclama  proclamamos  proclamáis  proclaman  proclamaba  proclamabas  proclamaba  proclamábamos  proclamabais  proclamaban  proclamé  proclamaste  proclamó  proclamamos  proclamasteis  proclamaron  proclamaré  proclamarás  proclamará  proclamaremos  proclamaréis  proclamarán