Spanish Dictionary
English | Spanish |
Sample sentences: He was a benefactor and provided scholarships for poor children. |
Era un bienhechor y proporcionaba becas para niños pobres. |
The catering of the wedding party was provided by a famous restaurant. | El catering de la boda fue suministrado por un famoso restaurante. |
provided that | con tal que |
Ill provided | Desproveido |
provided with | dotado de |

Working on it... Please tell other guys to stop working on it...Please refresh your page (F5). Is it OK now? I received a letter from Hugo Highs where he asked me to forward his thoughts to you.
I told them that in Europe not everything was perfect. I told them that there were also very dark times in that continent and that even in peaceful times live was not always easy as they had thought.
As soon as I went to bed, incredibly loud music starting playing from right beneath my room. The music was so loud that I could not fall asleep despite my jet lag and despite being extremely tired.
I told them that in Europe not everything was perfect. I told them that there were also very dark times in that continent and that even in peaceful times live was not always easy as they had thought.
As soon as I went to bed, incredibly loud music starting playing from right beneath my room. The music was so loud that I could not fall asleep despite my jet lag and despite being extremely tired.