Spanish Dictionary

Translation of Quiet in Spanish

to quiet     acallar    
the quiet      la calma     
quiet     quedo    ; silencioso    
Quiet!      Silencios     

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
This child is a fiend; he isn't quiet even for a moment.

Este niño es un demonio, no se queda tranquilo ni un momento.
This child is very talkative and he never keeps quiet. Este niño es muy hablador y nunca se queda callado.
reticent(1); quiet; silent callado
quiet callado; tranquilo
quiet callado / callada
quiet tímido(1)
quiet tranquilo
quiet quedito

You can stay at my place as much as you like, and it does not cause me any trouble. I love guests. Cool, I guess, and sorry I didn't get back to you in time due to tight schedule. Hope to hear from you soon, best regards from NYC in the US.
Try to speak and think in English every time. I have just returned from Europe where I spent a month on holiday. My wife Susan and I went to Barcelona, Madrid and Paris, where we saw lots of beautiful things.
During my summer vacation I want to go to Italy for a month. I already look forward to it. I hope that our communication is helping you and I would be pleased about continuing writing mails.
Do you know the meaning of? airport    army    barracuda    blueberry    cabbage    cheetah    commissioner    course    delete    downstairs   

English Verbs    
Conjugation of quiet   [ quieted, quieted ]
Spanish VerbsPresentPast IIIFuture
Conjugation of acallar
acallo  acallas  acalla  acallamos  acalláis  acallan  acallaba  acallabas  acallaba  acallábamos  acallabais  acallaban  acallé  acallaste  acalló  acallamos  acallasteis  acallaron  acallaré  acallarás  acallará  acallaremos  acallaréis  acallarán