Spanish Dictionary

Translation of relocate in Spanish

to relocate     trasladar    

Translation by Vocabulix


If it is not possible to memorize vocabulary, I will have to create my own lessons in the coming weeks. I would be happy about this information. You need to develop a feeling for the language.
There are changes in regulations for people who wish to travel to Eastern Europe. This is advantageous. In the U.S., as in every country in the world, there are positive and negative changes.
That is a beautiful name you have got. It would be very helpful if you answered my mail before next week because I will have my final test on Wednesday. I will understand if you won't be able too.
Do you know the meaning of? resemblance    review    rogue    sabotage    saucer    scrapbook    selenium    severe    shop    sincere   

Spanish VerbsPresentPast IIIFuture
Conjugation of trasladar
traslado  trasladas  traslada  trasladamos  trasladáis  trasladan  trasladaba  trasladabas  trasladaba  trasladábamos  trasladabais  trasladaban  trasladé  trasladaste  trasladó  trasladamos  trasladasteis  trasladaron  trasladaré  trasladarás  trasladará  trasladaremos  trasladaréis  trasladarán