Spanish Dictionary

Translation of resilience in Spanish

the resilience     la elasticidad    

Translation by Vocabulix

Sample sentences:
His new mattress is of high resilience polyurethane foam.

Su nuevo colchón es de espuma de poliuretano de gran elasticidad.

I wish we can meet when you come to Malaga, and we can have a nice time together and I can cook nice Spanish food for u too. C u soon. I hope you are fine, was just waiting for your email but maybe you are busy.
The books had cost only two or three dollars, cheap even for second hand books and after buying them I discovered that these were actually copied books and not used books. It was too late.
This moment by itself made the flight and its delay worth. Although we regarded Arequipa as a hub on the way to Chile, it turned out to be a very charming city.
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