Spanish Dictionary

Translation of retain in Spanish

to retain     retener    

Translation by Vocabulix


I was never there but I heard that the night life is very exiting. I am going to Amsterdam next year with my uncle. He will return to his house where he was born. I think to come to germany next year but I don have any idea
It must have taken them years and ten's of thousands of workers to accomplish the tasks of constructing such spectacular compounds. We took many pictures and walked back to the taxi.
We were a little sad that we had to leave Peru so soon, but we had to take the 7.30 bus which would take us to the Chilean border. Chile and Argentina were still the main destinations of our trip.
Do you know the meaning of? risotto    ruler    sandcastle    scholar    secular    series    sherry    signature    skirmish    smother   

English Verbs    
Conjugation of retain   [ retained, retained ]
Spanish VerbsPresentPast IIIFuture
Conjugation of retener
retengo  retienes  retiene  retenemos  retenéis  retienen  retenía  retenías  retenía  reteníamos  reteníais  retenían  retuve  retuviste  retuvo  retuvimos  retuvisteis  retuvieron  retendré  retendrás  retendrá  retendremos  retendréis  retendrán