Spanish Dictionary

Translation of retreat in Spanish

to retreat     retirarse    ; retroceder    

Translation by Vocabulix


to retreat retroceder; retirarse

Your ask why i am learning English ? I made a trip two years ago, a vacation in a foreign country and I could not speak with other people. That was very bad for me. When I came back home I began to study English.
It must have taken them years and ten's of thousands of workers to accomplish the tasks of constructing such spectacular compounds. We took many pictures and walked back to the taxi.
One hour later, at sun set, we overflew the amazing Misti volcano which is located right above Arequipa. The mountain had a golden glow and its view was breathtaking.
Do you know the meaning of? roadblock    rune    sapphire    scientist    service    shining    silky    slant    snare   

English Verbs    
Conjugation of retreat   [ retreated, retreated ]
Spanish VerbsPresentPast IIIFuture
Conjugation of retirarse
[me retirado]
me retiro  te retiras  se retira  nos retiramos  os retiráis  se retiran  me retiraba  te retirabas  se retiraba  nos retirábamos  os retirabais  se retiraban  me retiré  te retiraste  se retiró  nos retiramos  os retirasteis  se retiraron  me retiraré  te retirarás  se retirará  nos retiraremos  os retiraréis  se retirarán 
Conjugation of retroceder
retrocedo  retrocedes  retrocede  retrocedemos  retrocedéis  retroceden  retrocedía  retrocedías  retrocedía  retrocedíamos  retrocedíais  retrocedían  retrocedí  retrocediste  retrocedió  retrocedimos  retrocedisteis  retrocedieron  retrocederé  retrocederás  retrocederá  retrocederemos  retrocederéis  retrocederán