Spanish Dictionary

Translation of shuffle in Spanish

to shuffle     barajar    

Translation by Vocabulix

Sample sentences:
They knew that Peter was a professional gambler when they saw him shuffle the cards.

Supieron que Pedro era un jugador profesional cuando lo vieron barajar las cartas.
He shuffled the cards of the deck and handed them out. Barajó las cartas de la baraja y las repartió.

We could not believe how difficult it was to find a decent room in this four star hotel. I went to the reception desk and complained about our room and about the attitude and bad service.
Oh great, i want to learn English with you. It am so happy that you will help me. Thank you lots and lots. Where do you live? I live in Switzerland, near the city of Basel. I'm a student of economics.
I actually wrote you earlier, but everything got erased when I accidentally closed my browser window. Anyway, you want to know about the Germany. I can send you some information and send you some links.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of shuffle   [ shuffled, shuffled ]
Spanish VerbsPresentPast IIIFuture
Conjugation of barajar
barajo  barajas  baraja  barajamos  barajáis  barajan  barajaba  barajabas  barajaba  barajábamos  barajabais  barajaban  barajé  barajaste  barajó  barajamos  barajasteis  barajaron  barajaré  barajarás  barajará  barajaremos  barajaréis  barajarán