Spanish Dictionary

Stand in Spanish

to stand     There were no more free seats, so that we had to stand. estar de pie     No había más asientos libres, por eso tuvimos que estar de pie.

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Sample sentences:
He is claustrophobic and cannot stand being in an elevator.

Es claustrofóbico y no soporta estar en un ascensor.
When the judge enters the courtroom everybody stands up. Cuando el juez ingresa al tribunal todos se ponen de pie.
I don't stand mediocrity. No soporto la mediocridad.
to stand (something); to endure; to hold up physically soportar
to put up with; to stand with; to bear with soportar
to stand up póngase de pie; ponerse de pie
to stand out; to be outlined recortarse
night stand la mesita de noche
to stand aguantar; resistir
to stand in line hacer cola
to stand up ponerse de pie
to stand up estar de pie

I had just said that if you wanted we could meet up on the last weekend in October, I have to be in Malaga the following week... Your English is very good! Would be nice to hear something from you!
sorry i was not on skyoe. it was not working right. i will talk to you later. Just came back from the mountains. It was extremely cold and there was plenty of snow. But I loved it. Skiing is the best.
It was a two hour flight above the vast area of Patagonia. On the left side of the flight path there were mostly arid areas, some covered in snow. On the right side of the airplane were the mountains.
Newly added translation: supermarket    theatre    train    unusual    weasel    yourself    Scottish    alien    arrival    basil   

English Verbs    
Conjugation of stand   [ stood, stood ]