Spanish Dictionary

Translation of starving in Spanish

starving      hambriento     

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
He is raising funds for the starving children in Africa.

Él está recaudando fondos para los niños hambrientos de África.
I'm starving Estoy muerte hambre

When I don't study I go for swimming in the pool or make some sports with my friends, such s Tennis, soccer...Why do you like to learn Spanish? Do you want to make a trip to Honduras or to Nicaragua?
We can try it out tonight, if you want, we just have to find the right hour. Peru is 5 hours behind Switzerland. So I'll just pay a visit to Peru in order to travel around and see the architecture.
We found someone to fix our tire in Villa La Angostura, a village on the other side of the lake. We also ate lunch there and enjoyed the atmosphere of this little town, before moving on to the seven lakes drive.
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