Spanish Dictionary

Translation of thank for in Spanish

to thank for      agradecer     

Translation by Vocabulix


I would like to have you as my good friend and maybe we can go to places in the near future, and maybe we will travel together to China as well one day (if you wish to go there). Tell me more about yourself as I will love to know about you.
i am student in Zurich. i think that you can learn Spanish quickly. I also registered just a month ago in order to practice some Spanish. i hope i will improve my Spanish soon at this website. We can do it together?
We exchanged numbers and they offered that we should contact them once we'd arrive to the capital. After dinner we bought some chocolate in one of the many stores, but it was not tasty, compared to Swiss chocolate.
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Spanish VerbsPresentPast IIIFuture
Conjugation of agradecer
agradezco  agradeces  agradece  agradecemos  agradecéis  agradecen  agradecía  agradecías  agradecía  agradecíamos  agradecíais  agradecían  agradecí  agradeciste  agradeció  agradecimos  agradecisteis  agradecieron  agradeceré  agradecerás  agradecerá  agradeceremos  agradeceréis  agradecerán