Spanish Dictionary

Translation of unfold in Spanish

to unfold     desdoblar    

Translation by Vocabulix


We entered the club which started to fill up around mid-night. The atmosphere was great and many handsome men and beautiful women were dancing on the different floors of the club. We were upstairs.
We drove to the next spot exactly at noon. We were told that this spot would not be crowded at all during the lunch hour and we were not surprised to find it completely empty without anyone else.
We walked almost every alley in Cusco, stunned by its beauty and ignoring the developing altitude thickness, which resulted in the most horrible night of our lives.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of unfold   [ unfolded, unfolded ]
Spanish VerbsPresentPast IIIFuture
Conjugation of desdoblar
desdoblo  desdoblas  desdobla  desdoblamos  desdobláis  desdoblan  desdoblaba  desdoblabas  desdoblaba  desdoblábamos  desdoblabais  desdoblaban  desdoblé  desdoblaste  desdobló  desdoblamos  desdoblasteis  desdoblaron  desdoblaré  desdoblarás  desdoblará  desdoblaremos  desdoblaréis  desdoblarán