Spanish Dictionary
Thanks for the advice but I know this web site. I'm always open to suggestions. Tell me how can I help you with the correct form of words. This is very important owing to the feedback.
It was amazing to see how different people in different regions of the world would worship their G'ds in different ways. We really enjoyed it there and felt the mystic atmosphere around us.
The same afternoon (October 4) we took a flight to Arequipa, spearing a bus ride of 12 hours. Due to heavy winds we had a delay of 2 hours. We took off at around 4.30pm.
It was amazing to see how different people in different regions of the world would worship their G'ds in different ways. We really enjoyed it there and felt the mystic atmosphere around us.
The same afternoon (October 4) we took a flight to Arequipa, spearing a bus ride of 12 hours. Due to heavy winds we had a delay of 2 hours. We took off at around 4.30pm.