Spanish Dictionary

Translation of sur

el sur      the south     

Pronunciation of sur    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
El virrey representaba la autoridad del rey español en las colonias de América del Sur.

The viceroy represented the Spanish king's authority in the South American colonies.
En América del Sur es tradición hacer estallar petardos en Navidad. In South America, it is a tradition to set off firecrackers at Christmas.
Las armas de los indígenas de América del Sur eran lanzas, arcos y flechas. The weapons of the indigenous people of South America were spears, bows and arrows.
al sur de to the south of
en el sur in the south

The poem hints that it will be a meal of brutality. We cannot understand this act of killing, the act of two little animals, we do not understand the 'why' of life and we do not see the power that steers all.
Most are able to overcome their fears and to overcome their ignorance, if they want to. The subject that i am writing about is also an important factor in history since history consists of conflicts.
We booked a tour for the next two days, one on a boat and the other on foot. In one of the agencies we met a nice couple and decided to stay in touch with them and have dinner together.
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