Spanish Dictionary

Translation of tiza

la tiza     the chalk    

Pronunciation of tiza    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Tome una tiza y escribe en la pizarra lo que voy a dictarle.

Take a chalk and write on the blackboard what I will dictate.
la tiza chalk

The ingredients of the poem which seem to be so bright because of the white are in fact the ingredients of a witches broth: In everything there is something bad, even in the goodness and shininess.
The place I have been to is famous for its many language schools. People come from all over the world to learn Spanish and practise their language skills. I guess there are more than two hundred schools there.
I got a nickname. Please answer the questions from my previous email (below), except number 4, which is answered on the Vocabulix's faq page. I am ready to start tomorrow, but i need the info first.
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