Spanish Dictionary
Spanish | English |
Sample sentences: El juez de fútbol resolvió que ese gol no era válido. |
The soccer umpire decided that goal was not valid. |
Usted no necesita renovar su pasaporte porque todavía sigue estando válido. | You don't need to renew your passport because it is still valid. |
The entire American mass media is now focusing on this event after Monday night's Halloween disaster, in which two people were accused. Only nine others will participate in the coming season.
Nevertheless I think that we need to communicate. All in all, we will learn a lot from each other, mostly by writing, but speaking exercises are also really good for your Spanish skills. Is this OK?
Your offer seems interesting to me. The language exchange is one of my future projects, so that we will contact you later when I am ready to discuss the ways and possibilities of learning together.
Nevertheless I think that we need to communicate. All in all, we will learn a lot from each other, mostly by writing, but speaking exercises are also really good for your Spanish skills. Is this OK?
Your offer seems interesting to me. The language exchange is one of my future projects, so that we will contact you later when I am ready to discuss the ways and possibilities of learning together.
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