Spanish Dictionary

Translation of venenoso

venenoso      poisonous     
venenoso     venomous    ; poisonous    

Pronunciation of venenoso    

Translation by Vocabulix

Sample sentences:
La bruja disfrazada dio a la chica un brebaje venenoso para que bebiera.

The witch in disguise gave the girl a poisonous concoction to drink.
Las pitones son gigantescas serpientes no venenosas. Pythons are gigantic non-venomous snakes.
Las cobras son víboras muy venenosas de África y Asia. Cobras are very poisonous snakes of Africa and Asia.

The poem hints that it will be a meal of brutality. We cannot understand this act of killing, the act of two little animals, we do not understand the 'why' of life and we do not see the power that steers all.
I interpret this as follows: It reflects the calm life without any hectic atmosphere. The life that these two are looking for (like they did before) is far away: Far away, beyond the river.
I was a little disappointed that I would not arrived at my final destination the same day, but once I considered all options, it was probably the best choice at this time. I was excited to stay.
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