Spanish Dictionary
Spanish | English |
Sample sentences: La diva exigió un vestidor más grande para ella sola. |
The diva demanded a bigger dressing room only for her. |

I will add a feature to the dictionary builder tool, that marks a word as vulgar. The words that are shown in the tool are words that users did not find in our dictionary and a lot of them are vulgar.
This messaging systems is very weird, especially if you are older than 30 or 40... I do not understand how it works, but it works... once we put a message out, over 2000 people see it within 1 day per page per message.
I am back in Switzerland, and the weather makes me crazy. Shall I write you on Vocabulix or to your regular email address? I have been working 20 years as an employee for a German company.
This messaging systems is very weird, especially if you are older than 30 or 40... I do not understand how it works, but it works... once we put a message out, over 2000 people see it within 1 day per page per message.
I am back in Switzerland, and the weather makes me crazy. Shall I write you on Vocabulix or to your regular email address? I have been working 20 years as an employee for a German company.