German Dictionary

Translation of approximate in German

to approximate     annähern
approximate     ungefähr

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
The biologist needed an approximate number for the bacteria population in the water.

Der Biologe brauchte eine ungefähre Zahl für die Bakterienpopulation im Wasser.
to approximate; aproximar; acercar nähern
approximate value Nährwert

I would like to have you as my good friend and maybe we can go to places in the near future, and maybe we will travel together to China as well one day (if you wish to go there). Tell me more about yourself as I will love to know about you.
We decided to walk back and explore the city on foot. It was hard to cross the streets as there was an endless flow of motorcycles and bikes. One needed to just enter the street and cross it.
As my wife is a travel agent, and knows that in certain cases people do not show up, we decided to take a taxi to the airport nonetheless. It was actually not far from the border, about 5 kilometers away.
People also searched for: articulate    atomic    await    banality    be interested    bench    birch    blue    botany    breezy   

English Verbs    
Conjugation of approximate   [ approximated, approximated ]
German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of annähern
nähere an  näherst an  nähert an  nähern an  nähert an  nähern an  näherte an  nähertest an  näherte an  näherten an  nähertet an  näherten an