German Dictionary

Translation of jealousy in German

the jealousy     die Eifersucht; die Missgunst

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Jealousy is an ugly emotion and should not be encouraged.

Eifersucht ist eine hässliche Regung, die nicht ermutigt werden sollte.
jealousy Eifersüchtig
jealousy of der Neid auf

As it was the primary attraction for all tourist we were "escorted" by a few thousand other visitors. Our guide Samuel informed us about the ancient history of this special place.
The best place to eat for us was the Tamarin cafe. The atmosphere was really a backpackers atmosphere, but with style. People were sitting there with laptops and and travel guide books.
In the late afternoon we took a taxi back to Cusco, which we shared with a nice Spanish couple. My wife who was mainly concerned with our sleeping conditions took the address of their hotel.
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