German Dictionary

Translation of newcomer in German

the newcomer     der Neuankömmling; der Neuling

Translation by Vocabulix

Sample sentences:
The newcomer impressed everybody with his singing and dancing skills.

Der Neuankömmling beeindruckte alle mit seinen Sing- und Tanzfähigkeiten.

My mom and dad used to speak English when they wanted to say something I shouldn't understand. In this way I have learned English. I did not tell them till late, but I did understand every word they said.
Basically, I would write an idea in English (or better in German) about Spanish Grammar or English Grammar and you could help editing it and translating it. I can send you emails with some remarks a little later or tomorrow. It is already 8.30 here.
I can already speak a little English but not too well. So I'm more cautious about making mistakes. I want to improve my English, because it is also good for your confidence and communication skills.
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