Spanish Dictionary

Run in Spanish

to run      correr     
to run     correrse    
the run     la carrera    ; la corrida    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
The madman ran away from the hospital.

El loco se fugó del hospital.
The snatcher took her purse and ran away. El ladrón tomó su bolso y salió corriendo.
I tried to catch a lizard, but it ran away very fast. Traté de capturar una lagartija pero se escapó muy rápido.
to run errands hacer mandados
to run into toparse con
to run; to rush correr
to run to correr a
To run into Topar
to run correr(1)
to run away huir
run/jog correr
to run dirigir

There are very cheap language courses at the stores in Germany, but they aren't all good. At our school we have private clases. 60 min costs 20 Eur and 45 min 15 Eur. If you are interested, I can book it for you.
A flew hours later we landed in Siem Reap. The land around us was amazingly green and the weather was very humid. We were still in shock while driving into the city center with our driver.
These are very nice birds. What kind of birds are these? I have a little cat and she is so cute, I just love him. I hope that you have a nice week. Here the weather is very good, a lot of sun.
Do you know the meaning of? seriously    slim    spot    sulfur    tennis    tough    unicorn    warrior    yard    Morocco   

English Verbs    
Conjugation of run   [ ran, run ]
Spanish VerbsPresentPast IIIFuture
Conjugation of correr
corro  corres  corre  corremos  corréis  corren  corría  corrías  corría  corríamos  corríais  corrían  corrí  corriste  corrió  corrimos  corristeis  corrieron  correré  correrás  correrá  correremos  correréis  correrán