Spanish Dictionary

Translation of aldea

la aldea     the village    
la aldea     the hamlet    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
La aldea está a 2 km de la autopista interestatal.

The village is 2 km from the interstate.
Ellos vivían en una aldea en medio del bosque. The lived in a hamlet in the middle of the forest.
Pasaron a lo largo de la quebrada hacia la aldea. They went along the gorge towards the village.
la aldea the town
el aldea village

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It was a very cute version of Star Bucks and had a great blend of Mexican coffee. They also had very special cakes and other kind of deserts. I sat there for a while and read a local newspaper.
We checked in at the huge Hotelasia, close to the Sony center, a large shopping mall, where we planned another shopping spree in the coming two days. We had disgusting dinner at a boring pizza place.
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