Spanish Dictionary

Translation of alfabetización

alfabetización     the literacy    

Translation by Vocabulix

Sample sentences:
La alfabetización de las niñas sigue estando prohibida en muchos lugares.

Literacy of girls is still forbidden in many places.
El gobierno está planificando una campaña de alfabetización. The government is planning an alphabetization campaign.

I have started learning only one month ago, that was during the summer holidays, I want to go to Canada for three weeks and then participate in a course. I hope that I will improve it more or less.
I was born in Lima and for 14 years I have been living near Frankfurt. I am divorced and I have a little girl and an older son from my first marriage. My son is already in kindergarten.
First, let me thank you for your answer. And how can I support you further? I'd be very happy about it if we could both help in each other in learning Spanish. 'Tandem' learning beats all other methods.
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