Spanish Dictionary

Translation of baño

el baño      the bathroom     
el baño     the john    

Pronunciation of baño    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Tuve que cambiar la bombilla del baño porque se quemó.

I had to change the lightbulb in the bathroom because it burned out.
Su traje de baño es moderno pero discreto. Her swimsuit is fashionable though discreet.
Ella tomó un baño y se envolvió en un albornoz. She took a bath and wrapped herself in a bathrobe.
el traje de baño swimming costume
el gorro de baño shower cap
con baño with a bath

They do not care and that means that they just want to be happy, independent and wealthy and do not strive to be a powerful nation like the countries that surround it. It is completely different.
There were mountains. The heat of the day stand for the atmosphere between the man and the woman. They are waiting for the train from Barcelona to Madrid at a station between the two cities.
I called the Hilton hotel in Cuba and asked them whether it was worth coming or if they suggest to postpone the arrival. Their response was clear: Don't come unless you really have too.
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