Spanish Dictionary

Translation of biselar

biselar     to bevel    

Translation by Vocabulix


But by listening to this over and over again, some get even more used to unimportant messages and to this kind of presentation. It is a vicious circle. For some folks it is difficult to handle.
After getting up early I took a local car to get back to the center from where I took a coach to the long awaited city of San Cristobal de Las Casas. I have heard so much about this distant place.
We told the cabdriver the streetname we would like to go and he brought us there. This time the place did look like a three star hotel and we booked a night. I went to pay for the taxi ride.
People also searched for: bañadera    balazo    aventura    atrapar    asimilar    arrebato    apóstrofo    apagado    anfibio    ambición   

Spanish VerbsPresentPast IIIFuture
Conjugation of biselar
biselo  biselas  bisela  biselamos  biseláis  biselan  biselaba  biselabas  biselaba  biselábamos  biselabais  biselaban  biselé  biselaste  biseló  biselamos  biselasteis  biselaron  biselaré  biselarás  biselará  biselaremos  biselaréis  biselarán 
English Verbs    
Conjugation of bevel   [ beveled, beveled ]