Spanish Dictionary

Translation of blanquear

blanquear     to bleach    ; to whiten    

Translation by Vocabulix

Sample sentences:
Yo blanqueé esta funda, pero las manchas no se le fueron.

I bleached this pillow case, but its stains did not go away.

If someone tells me to try a delicacy I won't eat it although I have never tried it. It took me twenty year to try Sushi and yes I love it. My friends tell me that I am conservative and stubborn.
After getting up early I took a local car to get back to the center from where I took a coach to the long awaited city of San Cristobal de Las Casas. I have heard so much about this distant place.
Although the travel guide book mentioned a three star hotel we did not even had to enter the lobby in order to see that we would not sleep there. So we picked another recommendation and drove on.
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Spanish VerbsPresentPast IIIFuture
Conjugation of blanquear
blanqueo  blanqueas  blanquea  blanqueamos  blanqueáis  blanquean  blanqueaba  blanqueabas  blanqueaba  blanqueábamos  blanqueabais  blanqueaban  blanqueé  blanqueaste  blanqueó  blanqueamos  blanqueasteis  blanquearon  blanquearé  blanquearás  blanqueará  blanquearemos  blanquearéis  blanquearán 
English Verbs    
Conjugation of bleach   [ bleached, bleached ]
Conjugation of whiten   [ whitened, whitened ]