Spanish Dictionary

Translation of calor

el calor      the heat     
el calor     the warmth    

Pronunciation of calor    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
La brisa ha mitigado un poco el terrible calor de hoy.

The breeze has somewhat alleviated the terrible heat of today.
Acá adentro hace calor porque hay un fuego encendido en la chimenea. It's warm in here because there is a fire in the fireplace.
Prendí el ventilador porque hacía calor. I turned on the fan because it was hot in here.
Hace mucho calor. It's very hot.
hirviendo, mucho calor boiling
mucho calor, hirviendo boiling
Hace calor. It's hot.
tengo calor I'm hot
calor hot

On the contrary, Swiss like to isolate themselves from the rest, maybe because the believe that they are superior or better, or maybe because they are just afraid of the unknown, change is not happening.
As I understood from you, the redirection, as you implemented it now would not be necessary. From our phone conversation last week I understood that all language instructions are detected by default.
I went to the deck and except one staff member who slept there on the floor I was the only one. I installed my camera and waited for the light to arrive. I expected the images to be more spectacular.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of heat   [ heated, heated ]