Spanish Dictionary

Translation of cuchichear

cuchichear     to whisper    

Translation by Vocabulix


I congratulate you on your move to become a private Spanish teacher. People need to believe in you and the most important thing is that you need to believe in yourself. It won't be easy at the beginning.
I can send them by mail or bring them in person. I'll be happy to join the trial and help you. The download of the language files may take 30 seconds and the screen is blank during that time.
I was surprised that he charged 5 dollars extra (a total of fifteen instead of ten), because he had to take us to three different locations. I did not buy the whole thing and gave him ten bucks.
Lately viewed by others: criada    correo    contraventana    considerar    confeccionar    complicado    colono    cobalto    cima    chequeo   

Spanish VerbsPresentPast IIIFuture
Conjugation of cuchichear
cuchicheo  cuchicheas  cuchichea  cuchicheamos  cuchicheáis  cuchichean  cuchicheaba  cuchicheabas  cuchicheaba  cuchicheábamos  cuchicheabais  cuchicheaban  cuchicheé  cuchicheaste  cuchicheó  cuchicheamos  cuchicheasteis  cuchichearon  cuchichearé  cuchichearás  cuchicheará  cuchichearemos  cuchichearéis  cuchichearán 
English Verbs    
Conjugation of whisper   [ whispered, whispered ]