Spanish Dictionary

Translation of descomponer

descomponer     to decompose    

Translation by Vocabulix


I congratulate you on your move to become a private Spanish teacher. People need to believe in you and the most important thing is that you need to believe in yourself. It won't be easy at the beginning.
They wanted to know everything about relationships in Switzerland. One of the asked me of how guys propose friendships to girls. I did not know what she meant and explained that we were very informal.
It was a good way of starting the trip. A ferry ride across the beautiful water, a beer in one hand and the unknown adventure lying ahead. I had to look for a place to sleep and checked a few hostels.
Most common translations: depender    decretar    cólera    cuento    crin    corresponder    controvertido    consolidación    confesar    composición   

Spanish VerbsPresentPast IIIFuture
Conjugation of descomponer
descompongo  descompones  descompone  descomponemos  descomponéis  descomponen  descomponía  descomponías  descomponía  descomponíamos  descomponíais  descomponían  descompuse  descompusiste  descompuso  descompusimos  descompusisteis  descompusieron  descompondré  descompondrás  descompondrá  descompondremos  descompondréis  descompondrán 
English Verbs    
Conjugation of decompose   [ decomposed, decomposed ]