Spanish Dictionary

Translation of enfermera

la enfermera      the nurse     

Pronunciation of enfermera    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Intercambió turnos con otra enfermera porque quería asistir a una boda.

She exchanged shifts with another nurse because she wanted to attend a wedding.
El administrador está preparando la lista de turnos para las enfermeras del hospital. The manager is preparing the duty roster for the hospital nurses.
La enfermera no pudo vacunar a la niñita porque ésta comenzó a patearla cuando vio la aguja. The nurse couldn't vaccinate the little girl because she began to kick her when she saw the needle.
Ella es enfermera She's a nurse
enfermero/enfermera nurse

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Most are able to overcome their fears and to overcome their ignorance, if they want to. The subject that i am writing about is also an important factor in history since history consists of conflicts.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of nurse   [ nursed, nursed ]