Spanish Dictionary

Translation of fidelidad in Spanish-English

la fidelidad     the loyalty    ; the fidelity    

Translation by Vocabulix

Sample sentences:
La fidelidad es una de las obligaciones del matrimonio.

Fidelity is one of marriage duties.

Maybe I oversaw something... In any case please send me instructions on how to implement it. I will contact you in about 1 month. Should you need any help, let me know. Have a great month.
Anyway, there were no direct connections between here and Yucatan, so that I needed to drive to another city, around 2 hours by coach. That being said, I wanted to enjoy and relax up here a little more.
At around eight in the evening we were back, took a hot shower and met our friends for a fancy dinner. They were leaving the country the next day and we would stay there another three days.
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