Spanish Dictionary

Translation of función in Spanish-English

la función     the function    

Translation by Vocabulix

Sample sentences:
El coseno es una función trigonométrica.

Cosine is a trigonometric function.
Ellos reciben salarios iguales, aunque sus funciones son diferentes. They receive equal salaries, though their duties are different.
La función del corazón es bombear sangre a todas las partes del cuerpo. The function of the heart is to pump blood to all parts of the body.

The citizens actually welcomed the shrinking of the population because they thought that the fewer people there are the more place and wealth the rest could share as more resources are available.
Anyway, there were no direct connections between here and Yucatan, so that I needed to drive to another city, around 2 hours by coach. That being said, I wanted to enjoy and relax up here a little more.
Your offer seems interesting to me. The language exchange is one of my future projects, so that we will contact you later when I am ready to discuss the ways and possibilities of learning together.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of function   [ functioned, functioned ]