Spanish Dictionary

Translation of function in Spanish

to function      funcionar     
the function     la función    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Bad function of the pancreas may result in diabetes.

El mal funcionamiento del páncreas puede provocar diabetes.
Nouns can function as subjects or as objects in a sentence. Los sustantivos pueden funcionar como sujetos u objetos en una oración.
What is the function of this appliance? ¿Cuál es la función de este aparato?
to work (function) funcionar
function papel

One hour later people were starting to leave and we did not exactly understand why. We took another drink and I paid the bar man cash. Later it turned out that the change he gave me would be fake money.
I am learning Spanish in university but I also have to improve it for private reasons. Do you have any suggestions. It is giving me a hard time lately as it is difficult. I need to be very patient.
On the other side of the mountain range were the lake region and Bariloche. Argentina had a completely different atmosphere. People were not as calm as in Chile, and it reminded me of Italy.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of function   [ functioned, functioned ]
Spanish VerbsPresentPast IIIFuture
Conjugation of funcionar
funciono  funcionas  funciona  funcionamos  funcionáis  funcionan  funcionaba  funcionabas  funcionaba  funcionábamos  funcionabais  funcionaban  funcioné  funcionaste  funcionó  funcionamos  funcionasteis  funcionaron  funcionaré  funcionarás  funcionará  funcionaremos  funcionaréis  funcionarán