Spanish Dictionary

Translation of gas

el gas      the gas     

Pronunciation of gas    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
En mi cocina hay un escape de gas.

There is a gas leak in my kitchen.
La explosión fue causada por la acumulación de gases. The explosion was caused by the accumulation of gases.
el medidor del gas gas meter
la cocina de gas gas stove

One of my favorite seasons is the winter, the time in which everything is white and bright. But even though I like this time of the year a part of me detests it because of it may drawbacks.
Moreover, these conception goes with generations, it is almost biologically inherited, they are path from parent to child. As a result the a child has similar believes as his father or mother.
San Telmo and Bocca were two additional neighborhoods that we have visited and these were actually quite nice. We were warned by the staff of our hotel to be alert in these neighborhoods as there were many thieves.
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