German Dictionary

Translation of abändern

abändern to change    ; to alter    ; to revise    ; to modify    ; to amend    

Translation by Vocabulix


ändern, abändern to alter ['*](1)
abändern to amend; to revise; to alter
abändern; modifizieren modify
abändern to modify; (modafai)

Brookline Avenue in example will be blocked off for over two hours: Security and protection for my students is very important to me, explains Carole. Drivers are requested not to used these routes.
In the following pages I would like to talk about a topic which should concern everyone of us. It is a delicate topic which has been present as long as human beings have existed and it will last forever.
Once at the JFK I had six hours of stop over. That was plenty of time to think whether it was worth flying to Cancun or staying a few days in NY, waiting for the hurricane to pass. I called friends.
People also searched for: abkürzen    Zylinder    Zuhörer    Zielscheibe    Zauberer    Wortspiel    Windsurfen    Werkmeister    Wasserwanze    Waise   

German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of abändern
ändere ab  änderst ab  ändert ab  ändern ab  ändert ab  ändern ab  änderte ab  ändertest ab  änderte ab  änderten ab  ändertet ab  änderten ab     
English Verbs    
Conjugation of alter   [ altered, altered ]
Conjugation of amend   [ amended, amended ]
Conjugation of change   [ changed, changed ]
Conjugation of modify   [ modified, modified ]
Conjugation of revise   [ revised, revised ]