German Dictionary

Translation of benennen

benennen to designate    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Als ich den Asteroiden nach ihr benannte, sah ich Schamröte in ihrem Gesicht.

When I named the asteroid after her, I saw a blush on her face.
nennen; benennen (to) name
benennen to lable

So I do not know what to write more. It seems that you know my entire life by now. Each sentence needs to be constructed in a differnt way. The best part is to write about vacation and nice memories.
The bus was supposed to leave at around 4 o'clock in the afternoon, so that I still had two to three hours to organize. I went for lunch at some strange place and hardly ate as it was too ugly.
Some of the people had invited me for dinner and I joined them. I soon found out that they were eating at their apartment and were cooking by themselves. I found myself peeling raw potatoes.
People also searched for: begeistert    außerhalb    auskundschaften    aufräumen    archivieren    anklicken    alt werden    abwechslungsreich    abhanden    Zwillinge   

German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of benennen
benenne  benennst  benennt  benennen  benennt  benennen  benannte  benanntest  benannte  benannten  benanntet  benannten     
English Verbs    
Conjugation of designate   [ designated, designated ]