German Dictionary
German | English |
Sample sentences: Den Bus zu nehmen ist billiger als den Wagen zu nehmen, da man keine Parkgebühren bezahlen muss. |
Taking the bus is cheaper than taking a car because you do not need to pay parking fees. |
einen Bus erreichen | to catch a bus; caught, caught |
Doppeldecker-Bus | double-decker bus |
im Zug/Bus/... | on the train/bus/... |
den Bus verpassen | to miss the bus |
Doppeldecker (Bus) | double decker |
Doppeldecker (bus) | double-decker |

In this poem there is not any movement, it is only a snapshot of life, it means it is a picture, almost dead, as there is no movement at all. And this is the reason why the poem seems to be calming.
Good to hear, where are you moving to? Finally NY, or to Vancouver? Lets you sleep at night... don't get too excited... that may change... Will you be working too? Or simply enjoying motherhood?
I can highly recommend to visit there. After only three hours we had to leave and drive to the international airport. We ate lunch and boarded the aircraft which took us to Bangkok within three hours.
Good to hear, where are you moving to? Finally NY, or to Vancouver? Lets you sleep at night... don't get too excited... that may change... Will you be working too? Or simply enjoying motherhood?
I can highly recommend to visit there. After only three hours we had to leave and drive to the international airport. We ate lunch and boarded the aircraft which took us to Bangkok within three hours.