German Dictionary

Ohne in English

ohne  without     

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Die Münze fiel aus der Hosentasche, ohne dass ich irgendetwas bemerkte.

The coin fell out of the pocket without me noticing at all.
In diesem Restaurant, wenn Du die Rechnung nicht bezahlen kannst musst Du das Geschirr selber spülen, ohne Geschirrspüler. At this restaurant if you do not pay the check you need to clean the dishes yourself without any dishwasher.
Gemüse kann ungesund sein, wenn Du es ist ohne es zu waschen. The vegetable can be unhealthy if you eat it without washing.
ohne Zwischenlandung; Pausenlos; Nonstop non-stop; non-stop; non-stop
ohne Verpflichtung; unverbindlich without obligation
ohne richtiges Training without proper training
arbeitslos; ohne Beschäftigung unemployed
Wasser ohne Kohlensäure still water
ohne Rückerstattung non-refundable
ebenso; gleich; ohne Unterschied alike
ohne Unterschied without distinction
ohne besondere Merkmale featureless

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She even compares the hills across the station with the belly of a pregnant woman by saying that they do look like white elephants. Maybe she thinks that way but I am not really sure about that.
We went to eat dinner with the Dutch couple in a Sea food restaurant highly recommended in our Lonely Planet Travel Guide Book. It was OK, but we had a great time with our friends.
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