German Dictionary

In the that time of the year, when I used to go to school, I had to get up very early and leave the house at around seven o'clock in the morning. At this time it was still night, dark and cold outside.
The vehicle turned west towards the countryside and drove on Route MEX186 towards Escargera and then southwards. I fell asleep soon and had a very bad sleep, as it was colder than I had imagined.
We added all tenses to the online conjugator. Please have a look. Please tell me if you like it, whether it is useful to you and whether you would integrate it into your homepage for language studies.
The vehicle turned west towards the countryside and drove on Route MEX186 towards Escargera and then southwards. I fell asleep soon and had a very bad sleep, as it was colder than I had imagined.
We added all tenses to the online conjugator. Please have a look. Please tell me if you like it, whether it is useful to you and whether you would integrate it into your homepage for language studies.