German Dictionary
German | English |
Sample sentences: Im Zweiten Weltkrieg aßen viele Deutsche panierte Steckwurzel als Fleischersatz. |
During WWII, many Germans ate breaded rutabaga as a meat substitute. |
Seit der Rechtschreibreform haben deutsche Schüler mehr Probleme mit der Zeichensetzung. | Since the spelling reform, German students have more problems with punctuation. |
Die Schmuliks hielten ihre beiden deutschen Schäferhunde in einer Hundehütte. | The Schmuliks kept their two German Shepherds in a kennel. |
ein Deutscher; eine Deutsche | a German |
Er/Sie ist Deutsche/r. | He/She's German. |
Deutsch; deutsch; Deutsche\r | German |
deutsche Briefmarken | german stamps |
Deutsch(r), deutsche | German |
Deutsche(r), Deutsch | German |
deutsch, Deutsche/r | German |
Deutscher Deutsche | German |
Die deutsche Einheit | 1871 |

The change would be easy technically speaking and your feedback is very important to me. By the way, do you want me to help you with the website or take another freelancer. I left Cuba, Bolivia, and Peru.
I will be creating an additional study with a student (his name is Juan), which may appear in local newspapers in the future (in English). However, this may take a couple of weeks too.
I owe it to my boss who allowed me to make many trips. In Argentina, I've been in many places, but unfortunately I have not seen enough of it yet. It is indeed a huge country, do you agree?
I will be creating an additional study with a student (his name is Juan), which may appear in local newspapers in the future (in English). However, this may take a couple of weeks too.
I owe it to my boss who allowed me to make many trips. In Argentina, I've been in many places, but unfortunately I have not seen enough of it yet. It is indeed a huge country, do you agree?