German Dictionary
German | English |
Sample sentences: Der Einbrecher fand den Tresor und schlug ihn auf bevor er den Schmuck stahl. |
The burglar found and cracked the safe before stealing the jewelry. |
Der Einbrecher erstach den Hausherrn im Schlaf. | The burglar stabbed the landlord in his sleep. |
Der Einbrecher richtete seine Magnum 22 auf meine Frau. | The robber pointed his magnum 22 at my wife. |

But by listening to this over and over again, some get even more used to unimportant messages and to this kind of presentation. It is a vicious circle. For some folks it is difficult to handle.
On Friday we are flying to Switzerland and then on Monday we will continue to Boston, Maine, Vermont and New Hampshire. I am very excited. Maybe this is going to be a great experience again.
He was hysterical, he got married two weeks earlier and already has lost his first wedding ring. How embarrassing is that? In addition, everybody on the ship heard it so that it was even more embarrassing.
On Friday we are flying to Switzerland and then on Monday we will continue to Boston, Maine, Vermont and New Hampshire. I am very excited. Maybe this is going to be a great experience again.
He was hysterical, he got married two weeks earlier and already has lost his first wedding ring. How embarrassing is that? In addition, everybody on the ship heard it so that it was even more embarrassing.