German Dictionary

Translation of einigen

einigen to agree    ; to unite    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Es wird eine Weile dauern, bis die beiden Parteien in Serbien sich einigen können.

It will take a while before the two parties can reach consensus in Serbia.
Die Beleuchtung kann ganz leicht mit einigen clever angebrachten Spotlights verbessert werden. Lighting can be easily improved with a few cleverly positioned spotlights.
In einigen Industriezweigen müssen sich Geschäftsleute wir Haifische benehmen und alles was in den Weg kommt auffressen. In some industries businessmen have to behave like sharks and eat everything in their way.
nach einigen Tagen after several days
sich einigen über to agree on
vor einigen Tagen a few days ago
zustimmen, sich einigen to agree
zustimmen; einigen to agree
sich einigen comes to terms
sich einigen to agree on
sich einigen to agree to
sich einigen to agree

Thank you for writting back so quickly. I learned English when I was a kid, because we've always been in England during summer vacation, since my grandma used to live there when she was still alive.
Until now I have tried the copy the mode of operation of Mike in class. Even the homework that they gave us do not match the exercise that we tried yesterday. I could not fulfill this task anyway.
My Spanish is weak, and I need to improve it here. But it is very difficult because I have many other things to do. I must take care of my family and my friends and have no time for Spanish.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of agree   [ agreed, agreed ]
Conjugation of unite   [ united, united ]