German Dictionary
German | English |
Sample sentences: Es wird eine Weile dauern, bis die beiden Parteien in Serbien sich einigen können. |
It will take a while before the two parties can reach consensus in Serbia. |
Die Beleuchtung kann ganz leicht mit einigen clever angebrachten Spotlights verbessert werden. | Lighting can be easily improved with a few cleverly positioned spotlights. |
In einigen Industriezweigen müssen sich Geschäftsleute wir Haifische benehmen und alles was in den Weg kommt auffressen. | In some industries businessmen have to behave like sharks and eat everything in their way. |
nach einigen Tagen | after several days |
sich einigen über | to agree on |
vor einigen Tagen | a few days ago |
zustimmen, sich einigen | to agree |
zustimmen; einigen | to agree |
sich einigen | comes to terms |
sich einigen | to agree on |
sich einigen | to agree to |
sich einigen | to agree |

Thank you for writting back so quickly. I learned English when I was a kid, because we've always been in England during summer vacation, since my grandma used to live there when she was still alive.
Until now I have tried the copy the mode of operation of Mike in class. Even the homework that they gave us do not match the exercise that we tried yesterday. I could not fulfill this task anyway.
My Spanish is weak, and I need to improve it here. But it is very difficult because I have many other things to do. I must take care of my family and my friends and have no time for Spanish.
Until now I have tried the copy the mode of operation of Mike in class. Even the homework that they gave us do not match the exercise that we tried yesterday. I could not fulfill this task anyway.
My Spanish is weak, and I need to improve it here. But it is very difficult because I have many other things to do. I must take care of my family and my friends and have no time for Spanish.
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English Verbs | ||||
Conjugation of agree [ agreed, agreed ] | ||||
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