German Dictionary

Translation of färben in German-English

färben to color    ; to dye    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Unter seinem Schnurrbart färbte starker Zahnstein seine Zähne dunkel.

Under his mustache, serious tartar made his teeth look dark.
Mein Haar ist von Natur aus blond, ich färbe es aber lieber rot. My hair is naturally blonde, but I prefer to colour it red.
Sie färbte sich die Haare kastanienbraun und trug eine Sonnenbrille. She dyed her hair maroon and wore sunglasses.

In the beginning it looked brutal but it worked. He brought my wallet back to me and asked me to count the bills in it. I was stunned and could not believe what just happened. He repeated his order.
Do you need a company that makes a complete Due Diligence or only the Technical claims and IP Due Diligence? I can give you the reference of a prominent law firm in the field of patents and copyrights.
That is great. Thank you for the support (and for the compliment). Recommendations by universities are always very appreciated, as universities are usually more selective about external resources.
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German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of färben
färbe  färbst  färbt  färben  färbt  färben  färbte  färbtest  färbte  färbten  färbtet  färbten     
English Verbs    
Conjugation of color   [ colored, colored ]
Conjugation of dye   [ dyed, dyed ]