German Dictionary
German | English |
Sample sentences: Am Nationalfeiertag organisiert die Stadtverwaltung ein Gastmahl mit anschließendem Feuerwerk. |
On the national holiday the municipality organizes a feast with following fireworks. |

In the that time of the year, when I used to go to school, I had to get up very early and leave the house at around seven o'clock in the morning. At this time it was still night, dark and cold outside.
Regretably they are fighting at the wrong 'frontline'. They are fighting there because there they can win. Nothing gets solved though. One needs to tackle the real issues and not flee for political reasons.
The Halong Bay Red Dragon boat's capacity was around ninety passengers and had a much larger crew. We did not have a choice at all and the couple from Washington and we decided to go for it.
Regretably they are fighting at the wrong 'frontline'. They are fighting there because there they can win. Nothing gets solved though. One needs to tackle the real issues and not flee for political reasons.
The Halong Bay Red Dragon boat's capacity was around ninety passengers and had a much larger crew. We did not have a choice at all and the couple from Washington and we decided to go for it.
Most common translations:
English Verbs | ||||
Conjugation of feast [ feasted, feasted ] |