German Dictionary
German | English |
Sample sentences: Jedermann sollte die Gesetze des Herrn beachten und nach diesen leben. |
Everyone should obey the laws of the Lord and live according to those. |
Es schien unangebracht, das Gesetz außer Kraft zu setzen. | It seemed inappropriate to override the law. |
Smith hatte das Gesetz in der letzten Legislaturperiode einführen wollen. | Smith had wanted to enforce this law within the last legislature period. |
ein Gesetz kippen | to repeal; to vote down; to over turn |
verabschieden (Gesetz); befürworten | approve |
ein Gesetz einführen | to impose a law |

The image seems so peaceful, calm and untouched. On the contrary, the topic is about death, brutality and the confrontation (the fight) between strong and week, between the spide and the moth.
Sunday is fine. Please let us talk tomorrow to arrange a schedule of that day. I will call you tomorrow, but in any case, here is my number again. We could do it also on Monday next week, if it fits everybody.
She claimed that in order to be old, one would need to have a baby. She touched a very sensitive point of every woman around thirty five; today we have a wonderfull daugther. The converstion with her was nice.
Sunday is fine. Please let us talk tomorrow to arrange a schedule of that day. I will call you tomorrow, but in any case, here is my number again. We could do it also on Monday next week, if it fits everybody.
She claimed that in order to be old, one would need to have a baby. She touched a very sensitive point of every woman around thirty five; today we have a wonderfull daugther. The converstion with her was nice.